Đọc thêm Bộ_luật_Dân_sự_Pháp

  • Crabb, John H., trans. The French Civil Code, revised edn. (hiệu đính đến ngày 1 tháng 7 năm 1994). Littleton, Colo.: Fred B. Rothman & Co.; Deventer, The Netherlands: Kluwer Law and Taxation, 1995.
  • Fairgrieve, Duncan, ed. The Influence of the French Civil Code on the Common Law and Beyond. London: British Institute of International and Comparative Law, 2007.
  • Fisher, H.A.L. "The Codes", in Cambridge Modern History, ed. A.W. Ward (1906) vol IX pp 148–79; an old standard scholarly summary. online free
  • Halperin, Jean-Louis. The French Civil Code. Trans. Tony Weir. London: Routledge, 2006.
  • Josselin, Jean-Michel, and Alain Marciano. "The making of the French Civil Code: An economic interpretation." European Journal of Law and Economics 14.3 (2002): 193-203. online
  • Lobingier, Charles Summer. "Napoleon and his Code." Harvard Law Rev. 32 (1918): 114+. online
  • Schwartz, Bernard, ed. The Code Napoleon and the common-law world: the sesquicentennial lectures delivered at the Law Center of New York University, December 13–15, 1954 (The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd., 1998). 438 pp.
  • Smithers, William W. "The Code Napoléon." American Law Register (1901): 127-147. online
  • Tunc, André. "Grand Outlines of the Code Napoleon." Tulane Law Review 29 (1954): 431+
  • Tunc, André. "Husband and Wife Under French Law: Past, Present, Future." University of. Pennsylvania Law Review 104 (1955): 1064+ online

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